By default, every 5 minutes the application takes a snapshot of the design you are working on and saves it to your hard drive. This is why Bootstrap Studio has automatic backups built-in. Mistakes happen and computers have a tendency to crash at the worst of times. Learn more in our dedicated Export guide.
It looks as if a professional front end developer had written it by hand!
All the code exported from Bootstrap Studio is clean and well-structured. Once you've finished your design, you can export it as a folder with regular HTML, CSS, JS and image files. Opening a designs is straightforward: simply double click them in the Window/Linux/macOS file manager or drop them into the app. bsdesign extension and contains everything about your project, including all the code, images, and fonts. Each design can be saved as a file with the. The documents that you create in Bootstrap Studio are referred to as Designs. Connecting external editors is also supported. The Editor panel holds an HTML view, a powerful JS editor, as well as a CSS editor with excellent SASS support. It's worth noting that the app adapts to code-heavy workloads as well. To learn more about visual editing, visit our selecting components tutorial, and our appearance guide. Bootstrap Studio generates clean HTML, CSS and JS that is optimized and supported by all web browsers. You construct your designs by dragging and dropping components, selecting them, and changing their styling. The application is built around visual editing. You can learn more about the panels by following some of our tutorials in the main navigation.

Options panel – displays the options of the selected component(s) and gives you easy visual customization controls.When double clicked, pages are opened in the Stage (6) and other assets - in the Editor panel (3). Design panel – holds all pages, CSS, SASS files and images of your design.You can click to expand it, and detach it as a separate window. Editor panel – contains HTML and Styles tabs.Components here can be dragged and reordered. Overview panel – It gives you a quick overview of all components on the page.Holds all available components which you can drag and drop onto the Stage (6) and the Overview (2). Component panel – It consists of the Studio and Online tabs.The Bootstrap Studio window is divided into a number of functional areas: Tip: To see Bootstrap Studio in action, you can watch our video lessons. To search, use the field in the navigation bar above. You can browse through all available articles in the sidebar on the left. Welcome to Bootstrap Studio's documentation, where you will find help materials and guides that explain every part of the app.